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Montag, 11. Juli 2011

Big Time Summer

This is my first blogging here.
So I want to welcome everybody and tell you something about Big Time Rush.

Why? Well, first, they are kinda amazing, aren’t they. Say whatever you want about boy bands, but BTR made my summer 2010.
It was in July when my best friends and me found that series on Nickelodeon and then we sat in my one friend’s garage on old mattresses with a laptop and we were watching those episodes online. After only one day we could sing the theme song (also the full version) and the turd-song.
This is also the reason why I start my blog writing about BTR. I put the turd-song on youtube and it is the most popular of my videos. I know use it as an advertising for my blog. Oh yes, I’m so clever ;-P

I’m not that kind of person who gets hysterical over some singing and dancing guys and faints in front of a stage. Although I think that would be really fun. Well, they have just been to Germany (I live there) two times, to Berlin and recently to Cologne. Sadly I couldn’t go to their concerts. But I probably wouldn’t have spent that much money on it anyway. I bought their second CD and that’s enough for the beginning.

Now about BTR themselves.
They are 4 boys. Kendall, James, Logan, and Carlos. Of course they all have a different personality. Kendall is somehow the boss. He’s always staying cool, having ideas and bringing the other ones back to earth if they are freaking out. He is also the one who got them the job as a band. James is funny. He’s the best-looking one and very vain. He has his lucky comb and calls himself “the face”. I personally love that silly move he makes with his hands in front of his body. It’s kinda weird. But those who have seen the series know what I’m talking about. He is not the most clever person, but he is very driven and ambitious to be a star. Logan is the nerd of them. He is a math-pro and sometimes gets scared of helping the other ones with their crazy actions. He surely doesn’t like trouble. But he definitely is a great dance, doing back flips all the time. Carlos once called his character “lovely moron”. Most of the time Carlos is running around in his helmet, which is really important because he loves crazy stunts and action. His dad is a soldier and Carlos never had a real girlfriend. It makes him do desperate flirts.

So, now you get some facts about BTR you probably didn’t know yet. And if, then you are a little expert. Who knows some more???

  • Logan is absolutely addicted to extreme sports like snowboarding, bungee jumping, mountain biking or go-carting.
  • James can rise one eyebrow and do push-ups while doing a handstand.
  • They all adore Megan Fox.
  • They are a band in real life, but not a Hockey team.
  • The casting process took 2 years.
  • Kendall has two older brothers (Kenneth and Kevin) which are famous as well.
  • Carlos was an cheerleader in his High School.
  • James is Jewish and loves to celebrate Hanukkah.
  • Kendall is very chivalrous and gets nervous around girls.
  • Carlos eats paella, a South-American food which many think is gross because it has seafood in it.
  • In real life they are all very good friends with Miranda Cosgrove and Victoria Justice.
  • The first full-time movie was “Big Time Concert” and later there was “Big Time Beach Party”
  • Griffin is not the highest boss of their studio. There is a very old man (they say he’s about 200 years old^^) from Japan who decides about the future of the band.
  • For a long time there was only one song Gustavo wrote which has not the word girl in its title.
  • Gustavo calls the band “dogs” because he once said he could even turn dogs into popstars.

Now I have some links for you if you want more information.

Of course the official page: http://www.btrband.com/de/home
Online free clips/info by nickelodeon: http://www.nick.com/shows/big-time-rush/
I guess this page is fan made – but it’s good: http://www.bigtimerush.net/
And of course they are on twitter / facebook / youtube / tumblr and more

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